Episode 1

Why Does Palmetto State Armory Keep Winning?

Published on: 5th February, 2025

Kicking off Season 2 with a powerhouse guest, Cameron Tapler, Director of Branding and Product Management at Palmetto State Armory!

Join the conversation as they dive into in-house gun part manufacturing, changes in gun laws under the new administration, product expansion, and navigating TSA regulations when traveling with a firearm.

Speaker A:

Welcome to goa.

Speaker A:

State of the second podcast.

Speaker A:

My name is John and today we're joined with Cameron from psa.

Speaker A:

We tried to get jamin but damn.

Speaker B:

Bro, are you gonna do me like that right off the stop?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

We appreciate you bringing on, brother.

Speaker A:

So go ahead, let the people know who you are.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so my name's Cameron.

Speaker B:

I've been with Palmetto State Armory for going on nine years now.

Speaker B:

I started there as a compliance manager in manufacturing and I worked my way up.

Speaker B:

I was doing compliance for a while and then I did our corporate compliance type role where I was over all of our FFLs.

Speaker B:

And so, you know, we have, I think like something stupid, like 35 different FFLs in the company now.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because between all of our locations that we have.

Speaker B:

But I did compliance for a while and then I moved on from compliance and did quality control for two years.

Speaker B:

And then after doing quality control for two years, I worked my way up into manufacturing manager.

Speaker B:

So I was kind of like the plant manager over our manufacturing facility and then got promoted to brand manager.

Speaker B:

And then now I am the director of branding and product management.

Speaker B:

So I'm over all of our product lines.

Speaker B:

We do the product requirements, business cases.

Speaker B:

We're seeing what's going on out in the market, trying to see what we need to work on, work a long time with our engineers and hang out with those guys and work with them.

Speaker B:

And then I also am over our branding, so I'm over our content.

Speaker B:

I do our social media.

Speaker B:

You know, I kind of have my hands in a lot of.

Speaker B:

Of everything.

Speaker A:

He's kind of a famous dude, right?

Speaker B:

Going to be honest.

Speaker A:

Listen, we see him all the time on the psa, Instagram.

Speaker A:

Famous dude.

Speaker B:

Well, I appreciate the kind words.

Speaker A:

Well, part of that being the brand manager, you have sponsored the podcast this year and so I'm going to pull this up.

Speaker A:

This is an example of the gifts from Palmetto and AAC that will be given to everybody.

Speaker A:

Now this is season two, episode one.

Speaker A:

So you guys are the first 100% people on and I appreciate this.

Speaker A:

This is huge.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no problem.

Speaker B:

I mean, we, you know, obviously we're a big supporter of goa, man.

Speaker B:

I mean, we do a lot together.

Speaker B:

You know, we love the save.

Speaker B:

The second we all listen to it, everyone talks about it.

Speaker B:

So, you know, it was the least we can do.

Speaker B:

We love being able to support you guys.

Speaker B:

You know, we do a lot of stuff for you and we, you know, we do a lot of shows together.

Speaker B:

You know, got the good relationship there.

Speaker B:

So it was the least we can do, man.

Speaker B:

We're excited to be a part of it this year.

Speaker A:

Well, I'm glad that you.

Speaker A:

You chose to stick with us after crazy people yelled at you at Goals, but we're good.

Speaker B:

Listen, that was the only show I've ever been to that we've ever had any issues.

Speaker B:

And of course, it was the GOA show.

Speaker B:

Of course.

Speaker A:

Listen, it was only for like five minutes.

Speaker B:

Five minutes.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

We got to take it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

No, but you guys were fantastic.

Speaker A:

Thank you again for being echoals.

Speaker A:

We had Jamon on the industry, technology and innovation panel we've had.

Speaker A:

You were running around like a crazy person.

Speaker A:

It was a fantastic show and we appreciate the support and the what you guys do.

Speaker A:

A lot of people may not know that PSA has sued a lot and has sued with us on a ton of things.

Speaker A:

And I couldn't be more excited to have you guys as a sponsor of the podcast and our partnership just continue to grow.

Speaker A:

They also offer a donation to us at checkout, so Roundup.

Speaker A:

You know, you guys have been one of the largest supporters of us and I can't thank you enough.

Speaker B:

Yeah, of course, man.

Speaker B:

I mean, we see you guys put your money where your mouth is.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And the least we can do is, you know, be there to support you guys.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And that's why we're trying to be with you guys on the forefront of going back and, and getting our rights back, man.

Speaker B:

I mean, that's what it's about.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You know, so it's good to be a part of GOA on that front.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And we got this.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

This is cool.

Speaker A:

Excited about this?

Speaker B:

Yeah, man.

Speaker A:

So I'm going to take this off the table so we can talk.

Speaker A:

And we're going to go into our first segment, which is Rapid Fire questions.

Speaker A:

Let's go.

Speaker A:

Rapid Fire Questions is brought to you by Blackout Coffee.

Speaker A:

Check out goa no Compromise roast on our website as well as blackout coffee.

Speaker A:

Get your caffeine kick from blackout coffee.

Speaker A:

It'll make you scream freedom.

Speaker B:

Caliber coffee makes you scream freedom too.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker A:

I got to read the ads, brother.

Speaker A:

So we're going to go.

Speaker A:

Five questions I'm going to ask you give your off the cuff answer.

Speaker A:

So first thing, pineapple and pizza.

Speaker B:

Absolutely not.

Speaker B:

So I'm a pizza snob.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So, like, you're going to have to let me go on a rant here.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I moved to South Carolina in:

Speaker B:

It took me 10 years to find good pizza and I am a pizza snob.

Speaker B:

Pizza should have three ingredients on it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Cheese, marinara and pepperoni.

Speaker B:

That's it.

Speaker B:

You don't do nothing else.

Speaker B:

Pineapple on pizza is absolutely an atrocity to pizza.

Speaker B:

It's not allowed.

Speaker B:

Not allowed in my house.

Speaker A:

All right, so new PSA series.

Speaker A:

Cameron's going to go around to every piece of joint in the country and try it.

Speaker A:

Kind of like day.

Speaker B:

I'm down, I'm down.

Speaker A:

One bite, one bite.

Speaker A:

Everybody knows the rules.

Speaker A:

I'm with you on that.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

How about pizza snob?

Speaker B:

Pizza snob.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Gotta find really good pizza.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Gotta be good cheese too.

Speaker B:

Yes, I want that good cheese good.

Speaker A:

Oh yeah.

Speaker B:

And I want it thin.

Speaker B:

I want it thin.

Speaker B:

I want to, I want it hard.

Speaker B:

I want it crispy when I fold it.

Speaker B:

I don't want no flop.

Speaker B:

Give me that crispy pizza.

Speaker B:

A little burnt.

Speaker B:

I'm good.

Speaker A:

You know, I think PSA needs to call Dave and get a partnership.

Speaker A:

Let's go.

Speaker B:

Yeah, let's go get it in the cafeteria at work so I can get some pizza.

Speaker A:

Top three guns for zombies.

Speaker B:

Oh man.

Speaker B:

Probably a saw.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Give me a Barrett.

Speaker B:

Give me a Barrett.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And give me my saber.

Speaker B:

That's all I need.

Speaker A:

There you go.

Speaker B:

Give me my saber ar.

Speaker B:

That's all I need.

Speaker A:

That, those are, those are good.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's long range.

Speaker B:

Mow them down with the saw.

Speaker B:

Then you got your everyday close combat freaking zombie killer saber rifle.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I love it.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker A:

What's your edc?

Speaker B:

A micro dagger.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker B:

I love the micro dagger, man.

Speaker B:

I love carrying the micro dagger.

Speaker B:

It's, it's really, you know, having 15 rounds in that, in that size of a gun is a difference maker, right?

Speaker B:

We're actually working on like a plus, a plus 5 mag extension right now for it too.

Speaker B:

So you'll have like 20 rounds in a micro gun.

Speaker B:

Like what else do you need?

Speaker B:

And it's not like add in a lot with the plus 5 mag extension.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But 15 rounds and in a micro sized gun that's comfortable to wear and you don't have to worry about it.

Speaker B:

I mean, I wear skinny jeans, bro, so like I can't be having big guns on me because I wear my, my jeans tight.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So I need to have a micro sized gun on me.

Speaker A:

You know, like room for air.

Speaker B:

No, no, no.

Speaker A:

Tight, tight.

Speaker A:

All right, on, on that topic, what's your go to home defense?

Speaker B:

So you know, I, I go back and forth on this, right?

Speaker B:

So in, in my, in my closet I have my 11 1/2 inch saber.

Speaker B:

And you know, right next to me I got my handgun.

Speaker B:

But then I also have a shotgun in my closet down my hallway.

Speaker B:

So like, you know, I kind of got it spaced out in my house.

Speaker B:

And like I kind of told my wife, I'm like, listen, I'm like, you got to be careful because like, you know, I might need that.

Speaker B:

So like you the furthest distance away, right.

Speaker B:

And try and clear the house.

Speaker B:

So I got three guns laid out throughout the house where I need them.

Speaker B:

And then obviously if I can get to my basement, I'm ready to rock.

Speaker B:

So there you go.

Speaker A:

No, I'm with you.

Speaker A:

I've got.

Speaker A:

Told my wife the same thing.

Speaker A:

She's like, why?

Speaker A:

She was, she was doing something the one day, she's like, why is this here?

Speaker A:

You never know.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you never know.

Speaker B:

You just never know.

Speaker B:

I mean, you know, now like, you know, like I have them in different places, like hiding up high, low, you know, wherever I need to the quickest I can get to it.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But it's all about getting to my basement.

Speaker B:

That's like my mission is to get to my basement.

Speaker A:

Listen, you don't know fear until you hear a weird knock in the middle of night while on the toilet.

Speaker A:

You don't know fear, you know.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Don't break into my house at night.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You know, because I don't want to be on the toilet and have to fight you with my pants around my ankles.

Speaker A:

Had to happen one time.

Speaker A:

Somebody knocked that I started with my old apartment.

Speaker A:

I used to keep something behind the toilet tank.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Somebody pounded at the door at 3am or else on the toilet to get delivered daylights out of it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I bet.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, good thing you're on the toilet at the time.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Well, that is rapid fire.

Speaker A:

Questions again.

Speaker A:

Blackout coffee.

Speaker A:

Check them out.

Speaker A:

The Goa.

Speaker A:

No compromise blend.

Speaker A:

Also check out caliber coffee.

Speaker A:

Good stuff.

Speaker A:

There you go.

Speaker A:

Got to.

Speaker B:

I have a rapid fire question for you.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Are you an eggnog guy?

Speaker A:

Yes and no.

Speaker A:

Like I will drink eggnog at the holiday time, but it's not something I enjoy.

Speaker B:

Listen, so there was like we were tagged on Twitter for this eggnog debate that's going on on Twitter.

Speaker B:

And everyone's like, what's Palmetto State Armory stance on eggnog, right?

Speaker B:

Well, I gave my stance.

Speaker B:

It wasn't necessarily the stance upon metal state army, but I gave my stance and eggnog sucks, dude.

Speaker B:

If it was good, you would drink it all year round.

Speaker B:

It's only around one month a Year.

Speaker B:

That means it's terrible.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And now there's, like, this whole drama about eggnog on Twitter, and everyone's your.

Speaker B:

Are you pro nog or anti nog?

Speaker B:

Which one is it?

Speaker A:

Are you.

Speaker A:

Are you boozy nog or regular nog?

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

I mean, you got to put.

Speaker B:

You got to put bourbon in it.

Speaker B:

I mean, you got to put bourbon in it if you're going to drink it.

Speaker B:

But, like, I'd rather just drink bourbon.

Speaker A:

Mix it good.

Speaker B:

I'd rather just drink bourbon.

Speaker B:

I don't want milky bourbon.

Speaker B:

I want bourbon.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

Listen, I'm a bourbon snob.

Speaker B:

Are you?

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I have at least 120 bottles, really, of different brands.

Speaker B:

So my brother's the same way.

Speaker B:

He actually goes up to Blanton's twice a year and does barrel picks and gets two barrels of blatans and bottles it and brings it back with him.

Speaker B:

And he goes up.

Speaker B:

He's like.

Speaker B:

He swears by it.

Speaker B:

So I got, like, blatant salt throughout my house.

Speaker B:

I just never drink it.

Speaker A:

Oh, you're missing out, my friend.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So I am.

Speaker A:

I am, like, bourbon snob to the.

Speaker A:

And it wasn't even my fault.

Speaker A:

My friend got me.

Speaker A:

He's got, like, 400 bottles.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

He got me into it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's a lot.

Speaker A:

I was just like, every time we go, so, oh, that looks interesting.

Speaker A:

Let's try that and then go home.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Try another one.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

A bourbon and cigar snob is what.

Speaker A:

What I am.

Speaker B:

That's awesome.

Speaker A:

So it's awesome.

Speaker A:

Well, let's get into the meat and potatoes.

Speaker A:

You work at psa.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

We know that you have really had your hand in a lot of the products lately.

Speaker A:

And the big thing that I appreciate about you guys and I think a lot of the other content creators and other people in the industry are appreciating how open you're being right now.

Speaker A:

Nobody does that.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Everyone's like, and I got.

Speaker A:

For years.

Speaker A:

And I'm gonna bash you a little.

Speaker A:

For years, it was like, PSA came out with something at shot, and then it would never go anywhere.

Speaker A:

You're being very, very open and honest, and that is a breath of fresh air.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So one of the things that, you know, I wanted to start doing.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And we started doing it, like, at the end of last year.

Speaker B:

One of the things that I want to start doing is just, like, involving more of our customer base.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So, like, we have, you know, very passionate people on both sides of the aisle for psa.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

There's People that hate us, there's people that love us, right?

Speaker B:

And we've accepted, right?

Speaker B:

And we're not.

Speaker B:

We're not for everybody, and that's okay, right?

Speaker B:

But one thing that I wanted to do, you know, I don't want to say I.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We wanted to do was just be more open, right?

Speaker B:

And that's why we did at Shot show this year.

Speaker B:

We were like, okay, we know what happened with the MP5 debacle from five years ago, right?

Speaker B:

And we wanted to bring that to the market.

Speaker B:

But when we got close to trying to get it to the market, it just.

Speaker B:

We couldn't get it at the price point we wanted it to be at, and we knew we couldn't.

Speaker B:

We didn't want to come in around the same price point as what everybody else was doing, right?

Speaker B:

Like, at that point, we're not providing the value that PSA is known for to the customer, right?

Speaker B:

So, like, this year, we were like, okay, well, we're taking a lot of prototypes.

Speaker B:

Why don't we just let people vote on it, right?

Speaker B:

And that's what we did this year for Shot show was, is we spun up a video about it.

Speaker B:

We talked about the specs of every gun.

Speaker B:

We had QR codes at Shot show, and then we had the poll on our website for people to go on our website and vote on what their favorite guns were.

Speaker B:

And we basically were like, hey, you tell us what you want, right?

Speaker B:

We want, like, all these guns are prototypes.

Speaker B:

We want to do all of them, but we can't do all of them, right?

Speaker B:

So tell us what you want.

Speaker B:

We're going to prioritize those.

Speaker B:

And that's what we did this year.

Speaker B:

And we started.

Speaker B:

That was kind of like the first snowball to start rolling down the hill for us this year.

Speaker B:

And then after we did that, we went and did the mini series where it was like, hey, we want to be an open book for people.

Speaker B:

We want people to see what we do, how we do things, why we do things a certain way.

Speaker B:

Because, you know, you came to visit us.

Speaker B:

We're unique in a sense, with how fast we can react to the market.

Speaker B:

You know, everything's in one building.

Speaker B:

We make 95 of our guns internally, right?

Speaker B:

So we can flip a switch.

Speaker B:

You know, we make everything from the raw forgings all the way to the complete gun, right?

Speaker B:

So it's like, hey, we need to switch over from AR15 forgings to 308 forgings, because that's what's selling right now, right?

Speaker B:

Or oh, it's about to be hunting season.

Speaker B:

The 308 sales are upticking.

Speaker B:

Okay, let's flip it over.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, within two days, we can increase our quantity of whatever we need to build, get it anodized in house and get it right to the floor and start building it.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so, you know, we wanted to show people how we're set up and how we're unique because we're direct to consumer.

Speaker B:

We don't have a, a middleman that we sell to a distribution model and then they disperse it out to whoever.

Speaker B:

You could come right to our website and buy it from us.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so we are just continuously feeding into the open book idea.

Speaker B:

You know, we do product updates like once or twice a month on some of the guns from Shot show or some of the stuff that we've been working on that we've been talking about to keep people engaged.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

We want people to know, like, real expectations, like once this gun coming out.

Speaker B:

Well, hey, this is the prototype.

Speaker B:

We changed this.

Speaker B:

We talked about, hey, you guys commented on the last video and said, I want to see it with this instead of that.

Speaker B:

Well, we made that change and we're listening, right?

Speaker B:

You know, one of the downfalls that I have is that I literally read every comment and I can't, like, I can't stop.

Speaker B:

It's just, it's just who I am, right?

Speaker B:

And so like the last thing I do before I go to bed every night is, is I go on YouTube and I type in Palmetto State Armory and I hit sort from the most recent uploaded, right?

Speaker B:

And I watch every video that says Palmetto State Armory every night before I go to bed, right?

Speaker B:

And then the first thing I do in the morning is I get up and I go on Reddit.

Speaker B:

God forbid, Reddit, but I go on Reddit first thing in the morning to see what's going on there, right?

Speaker B:

But I want to know what the customers are saying and take that information back to, to the, to, to us and be like, hey, they're really talking about doing this.

Speaker B:

Like, you know, we should do that there.

Speaker B:

That's what they want.

Speaker B:

Let's listen to them and we make the change.

Speaker B:

You know, and so that's what's unique about us, is that we, we actually care.

Speaker B:

We, we want to hear the feedback and then we react to the feedback.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we, we went to your facility.

Speaker A:

We did the tour.

Speaker A:

I think my biggest thing, I remember this, I looked at you and my.

Speaker A:

We're walking by the anodizer and I go, are those Buffer tubes sitting there, you're like.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I'm like, nobody makes their own buffer tubes.

Speaker A:

Because we do.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Impact extruded.

Speaker A:

And that's insane because you guys are making, like you said, 95 of the parts in house.

Speaker A:

Nobody's doing it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And sorry again.

Speaker A:

I've done this a couple times.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Fourth wall break.

Speaker A:

Nobody makes their own.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Most people don't make their own stuff.

Speaker B:

There's a lot of assembly companies out there right now.

Speaker B:

They do make stuff to, like, their print or their thing and they have good QC and they check the stuff.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But, like, we actually make it.

Speaker B:

And so, you know, the only stuff we don't make is, you know, some hammers and triggers and some springs and detents and stuff like that.

Speaker B:

I mean, there's no need for us to.

Speaker B:

To make those off the shelf parts like that that, you know, there's good companies like Schmid Tool, who makes a great hammer and trigger.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And like 95% of the industry uses them.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We do a lot of stuff with KK Industries for, like, you know, sometimes we get buffers from them if we can't make enough.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Like, there's things like our springs, like the buffer springs.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

There's people out there that specialize in that.

Speaker B:

We let them specialize in that while we make all the other stuff, you know.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And that's.

Speaker A:

That's the key.

Speaker A:

I mean, again, we.

Speaker A:

We've talked about this off camera and we talked about with Jam, it's like Covid really changed the industry.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And the ab.

Speaker A:

The ability to react was hard because a lot of times you.

Speaker A:

You react, you're ordering it from a Schmidt or Faxon or something, and you're ordering these parts.

Speaker A:

Well, you're not the only one ordering 100.

Speaker A:

All those parts.

Speaker A:

And now you can't control your own destiny.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Your own destiny.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

But you guys have taken the.

Speaker A:

An opposite approach and go, we're controlling everything.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I mean, I think Covid, like, really was like an eye opener.

Speaker B:

ID and like, we were building:

Speaker B:

It was the most insane thing.

Speaker B:

It was so disheartening every day because you're like, hell, yeah, we had a great day.

Speaker B:

We built three 500 uppers last night.

Speaker B:

We're gonna have, like, all this stuff in stock.

Speaker B:

We're gonna be all caught up.

Speaker B:

We're good, next day it's all gone.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so, but when you're building that much volume, you have to have it internally.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because you can't have an anodizer sitting there holding your parts because now you're like all your whip is at the anodizer.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And that's what we kind of saw.

Speaker B:

So we put our own anodizing line in and we make the uppers five minutes from the, you know, the assembly building.

Speaker B:

And they bring them over on a truck, you know, couple hour, you know, every couple hours they're bringing over more pallets of uppers and they go, they get bead blasted, they get tumbled and then they go right in the anodizing tank.

Speaker B:

And as soon as they come out, they're black.

Speaker B:

They go right to the floor and be built.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so we're able to control our own destiny by doing that.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And that kind of, I think, sets us a little bit apart from other people.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And that's the, that's the key there, is what sets you guys apart.

Speaker A:

And a lot of people look at it like, well, Palmetto is getting too big for themselves.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

But you're, you're controlling.

Speaker A:

That's what you have to do as a business.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

You have to vertically integrate and get the parts and control the parts.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Because if you don't, okay, let's just say you, the dagger, you get a bad batch of barrels, that's upwards of a thousand barrels, you're down for what, another six to eight weeks possibly.

Speaker D:

Yep, yep.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

I mean, you have to be able to control your own destiny.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And when you control your own destiny, you know, it's good.

Speaker B:

It's also sometimes painful.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because you are your own supplier at that point.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So if there is something bad, you're.

Speaker B:

You're dealing with it internally.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Which then you grow from that.

Speaker B:

And, and you know, we're not perfect.

Speaker B:

We don't claim to be perfect.

Speaker B:

By no means.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

We're always growing, we're always doing better.

Speaker B:

We're always like trying to put our best foot forward.

Speaker B:

I mean, I don't know of another firearms company in the world or.

Speaker B:

Well, I don't say the world.

Speaker B:

The us that literally sits there every morning and reviews every repair that came in the day before with the senior management team.

Speaker B:

The senior management team.

Speaker B:

Every morning at 9:00 in the morning, we all meet.

Speaker B:

We talk about production, we talk about issue, we talk about parts, whatever.

Speaker B:

We review every single repair that comes in every morning that day.

Speaker B:

And look at, oh, do we have an issue?

Speaker B:

Do we need to, like, is this like an assembly problem?

Speaker B:

Is this like, you know, a training the customer problem?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

What do we need to do?

Speaker B:

And we react to that every single day.

Speaker B:

And, like, so a lot of the content that we do, you know, people might not digest it.

Speaker B:

Like, we just put out a video yesterday that was about concentricity.

Speaker B:

How do you check concentricity?

Speaker B:

Well, a lot of our customers don't know how to do that.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so to, you know, the people that are, you know, been in the industry or, you know, been into guns for a long time.

Speaker B:

Yeah, they know.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Well, we're just trying to educate everybody.

Speaker B:

Like, we're trying to be open to everybody.

Speaker B:

You know, we're welcoming everybody.

Speaker B:

You want to buy a gun, we want to teach you, we want to make sure you use it, we want to make sure you train with it, you know, and all that stuff.

Speaker B:

And so a part of that is, you know, educating them on how to check concentricity.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so we, we, we do that every day.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But yeah, I mean, we're, we're very passionate about our day to day.

Speaker B:

You know, we don't, you know, we always look at the future, but we never lose track of what's happening today.

Speaker A:

Well, and that's, that's a big thing, being able to meet, you know, working for a manufacturer.

Speaker A:

In the past, it would be.

Speaker A:

Customer service would get like 10 and they'd be like, hey, I keep getting this.

Speaker A:

Same thing, same thing.

Speaker A:

Okay, cool, we'll figure it out.

Speaker A:

And then it goes down the line.

Speaker A:

Goes down the line.

Speaker A:

Eventually it goes, well, this is a problem.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Somebody on the Internet saying it's a problem.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Doing that just every day.

Speaker B:

Every day.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's amazing.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I was gonna say insane, but it's amazing.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So we do that every day.

Speaker B:

And then, you know, I mean, I'm on the social media side and we have all of our Facebook groups.

Speaker B:

Groups and all.

Speaker B:

Like, I helped manage that.

Speaker B:

Like, I was talking to a customer last night at 9:00, right?

Speaker B:

Because, like, they were trying to figure out how to put a Stock on their AK, they SBR their new 300 blackout crank, and they didn't know how to put the stock on.

Speaker B:

And I'm walking them through it at 9:00 at night, trying to help them out.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And I have an entire team of people that work for me that help manage our Facebook groups, our Reddits, or, you know, our checking comments on the Instagram, answering people back and forth just to.

Speaker B:

Just to be there.

Speaker B:

Like we care, you know, we.

Speaker B:

You know, we're not just talking the talk or walking the walk on a daily basis.

Speaker A:

Oh, I've seen it.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Matt from psa.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We actually allowed him to move on, to do something else now.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So now I hired somebody to replace him.

Speaker A:

But, yeah, we see it from my side.

Speaker A:

I see it all the time of seeing you guys.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Not only the growth, but the attention to the detail and attention.

Speaker A:

The customer has gone tenfold.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

And that's unlike any other company nobody wants.

Speaker A:

Everybody likes hamburger or hot dogs, but nobody wants to see how they're made.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

You guys are pulling back the curtain, going, listen, here's what we do.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

This is how we do it.

Speaker A:

This is why we do it.

Speaker A:

And I think the customer.

Speaker A:

The customer.

Speaker A:

I know the customers are responding, but I.

Speaker A:

I'm hoping that the rest of the industry takes it and goes, hey, quit hiding behind closed doors if there's something wrong.

Speaker A:

Like, like the other.

Speaker A:

This is why I'm really applaud you guys.

Speaker A:

The other.

Speaker A:

You're doing all these Updates and the STG44 is a big topic.

Speaker A:

You came out and you're like, we're gonna be honest.

Speaker A:

It's just.

Speaker A:

We can't get it to work right now.

Speaker A:

We're gonna.

Speaker A:

We're gonna shelve it.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Well, there's a chance it'll come back.

Speaker A:

We'll let you know when it's coming back.

Speaker A:

But right now it's shell.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Yeah, that was.

Speaker B:

That was painful for me.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

To do that.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

It wasn't easy to go up there, but I felt like we owed our customers the truth and that, you know, not to get too far into the weeds on the stg.

Speaker B:

It's just, you know, we.

Speaker B:

When we acquired that project from somebody else, we thought it was further along than it was.

Speaker B:

And the amount of engineering resources that were going into getting it to run correctly and fixing it and redoing some things, the juice just wasn't worth the squeeze right now.

Speaker B:

So it's not.

Speaker B:

We're never going to do it.

Speaker B:

It's just, hey, we got a lot of these other projects that you guys voted high up on the list at shot show.

Speaker B:

We want to get those to market because we feel those are more important to the firearms industry as a whole than the STG44 right now.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And that's.

Speaker A:

That's a big.

Speaker A:

It's one of those things as a.

Speaker A:

Is working for a company you spend a lot of time in the engineering and the development thing.

Speaker A:

You invest a lot of money and you're sitting there and you're like, this has got to go out.

Speaker A:

And then we see this constantly.

Speaker A:

And this is my biggest complaint about the industry, which why I'm so happy you're doing opposite is you'll come up with the industry, will come out with a product at shop.

Speaker A:

Hey, new product.

Speaker A:

12 months later you might get an update or something.

Speaker A:

You guys have been so transparent that as a consumer, from the consumer side it's like cool.

Speaker A:

And that I'm, I'm hoping that's helped with your comments too.

Speaker B:

100 it's set, it's set in realistic expectations is the biggest thing that I look at.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So we announced the X57 at Shot show of this year and it was the number one voted gun that we had.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, I just this since shot show, I've probably done five updates on that gun to let people know where it is.

Speaker B:

And at the end of every video, I always say this is still a Q2 of 20, 25 gun.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I don't want people thinking it's coming.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because on, on the manufacturing side, anything that's injection molding, that's like a 38 to 50 week lead time to get because you're got to do the tooling, you got to dial in the grooming.

Speaker B:

You got to make sure that the first part's off the machine are right.

Speaker B:

Then you have a redo loop.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

All that stuff takes time.

Speaker B:

And so my, you know, my goal this year was just to let the customers know realistically, like we know you voted on this number one and some people are like, well, why isn't it out yet?

Speaker B:

Well, because it takes that long to get a injection molded part or gun like through the entire process to get it to the market.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so like we might come out with a different gun that was ranked lower on the, on the list.

Speaker B:

But it's not because we're not working on it.

Speaker B:

Just takes time.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And so communicating that to the customer is important for us.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Like what is it?

Speaker A:

The 570.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The shotgun.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

That takes less time than getting all the other parts put together.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And, and, and that gun from the feedback we got from you know, the shot show, from NRA show, GOA show, like all the feedback we got, all the comments we got, we made some drastic changes to that gun since.

Speaker B:

So like this year at shot show, when that gun comes back to shot show, it's going to look slightly different.

Speaker B:

And I feel like a lot of people are going to be happy when they see that gun.

Speaker A:

I'm excited.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's, it's going to be awesome.

Speaker A:

I'm just excited for everything you guys have come out with.

Speaker A:

Just, you're killing it.

Speaker A:

You're hitting the market strong.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

You've gotten all these categories and things like that.

Speaker A:

And we were talking before the show about all the, you know, all that stuff, but just seeing the growth, seeing the Saber line come out, seeing the, the Micro Dagger come out, seeing all those things come out and you guys being so transparent and going, listen, here, here's the Micro Dagger for example.

Speaker A:

It launched.

Speaker A:

Immediately sold out.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Hey, by the way, guys, the next drops at 4pm this day.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Get on there.

Speaker A:

Immediately sold out.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

By the way.

Speaker A:

And be that transparency and letting people know.

Speaker A:

It's unheard, first off.

Speaker A:

Unheard of.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's, it's refreshing.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And we're, and we're trying to do a better job on our product launches of having more inventory.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because like, you know, when we launched the Microdagger or the Saber, some of the Saber products this year, right.

Speaker B:

Like they sell out so fast, like it almost breaks the website.

Speaker B:

Like people can't check out because the website's broken because, because there's so much traffic on a section of the website that it won't allow them to check out.

Speaker B:

So we're trying to do a much better job this year of like having more inventory available so that way it doesn't sell out.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

We'll never going to have enough on certain guns.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You know, especially like the big, fast moving guns.

Speaker B:

We'll never have enough available to build like when people want to buy it.

Speaker B:

But it's not going to sell out in 30 seconds, hopefully.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You know, that's the goal.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Well, I'm just, I'm just happy I can't say enough nice things for you about the company, about everything about you guys have done for us.

Speaker A:

And just seeing the immense growth, I mean, you guys grew fast to begin with, but the immense growth over the last two, three years.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Has just been insane.

Speaker A:

And the quality that's coming out and the, the, the misnomers and the things that people have been saying that you've, you've debunked.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

It's just refreshing.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So we, you know, I've been there for almost nine years to like, you know, we're not the same company as we were five years ago.

Speaker B:

We're not the Same companies we were two years ago.

Speaker B:

We're not the same companies we were six months ago.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We're always trying to be better.

Speaker B:

And, you know, I think some of the stuff we talked about, you know, kind of reflects on how we're getting better, Right?

Speaker B:

But, you know, we're getting some really good talent.

Speaker B:

Like, we got some really good talent on our team.

Speaker B:

You know, our entire engineering staff is.

Speaker B:

They've been in the industry for a while and worked at some pretty, pretty, you know, high places, and now they're with us.

Speaker B:

And, you know, the nice thing about Paul Medicine, army, and why I love it so much is that, like, you're able to, like, have an opinion, right?

Speaker B:

You know, sometimes, like, other corporations or other companies you might work for, you know, you might have an idea, and they're like, yeah, yeah, whatever, right?

Speaker B:

Like here, like, you know, I'm like, I'll text.

Speaker B:

Like, me Jamin Tom, you know, some of the other guys, like, we'll text all the time, like on weekends.

Speaker B:

Like, like, hey, look at this gun.

Speaker B:

Like, I really like the way this looks.

Speaker B:

Like, what do you think if we changed it like this?

Speaker B:

You know, we're always, like, you know, coming up with something.

Speaker B:

We're always having something in the pipe like, that we're talking about, and it's always welcoming.

Speaker B:

And no one's ever, like, shut down to have an opinion.

Speaker B:

And I think that embodies just like, how Jamin and Julian and Ed are, like, they want input from everybody because that's how we get better as a company.

Speaker A:

That is also cool to hear that they're taking that input.

Speaker A:

Well, we are at the halfway point, which brings up to our next segment, which is from the Soapbox.

Speaker A:

This is where we talk politics.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Any big frustrations?

Speaker A:

Anything you want to talk about from the Soapbox is brought to you by Patriot Mobile.

Speaker A:

Use code GOA for one month free.

Speaker A:

With Patriot Mobile.

Speaker A:

It is a pro Freedom wireless company using multiple networks as the big carriers have, even to the ability to change what network you're on wherever you're at.

Speaker A:

So use code GOA at checkout for one month free.

Speaker A:

So from the Soapbox, Cameron, go ahead.

Speaker A:

And what's your spicy take?

Speaker A:

You're from the Soapbox.

Speaker A:

You want to give up?

Speaker B:

I mean, I kind of got two.

Speaker B:

Go for it.

Speaker B:

No, I mean, I think.

Speaker B:

I think as the industry goes forward, especially now that, you know, Trump got reelected and, you know, the House and the Senate are all Republican, I think now more than ever, it's.

Speaker B:

It's a high Tides raise all shit mentality needs to be had in the firearms industry.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You know, I know in the past there's been some, like, you know, little digs back and forth between other companies and stuff like that, but I think right now, you know, we need to all come together, right?

Speaker B:

You know, and we were talking earlier is like, you know, now's the time where we make change, like real change with some of these gun laws and some of the regulations that are out there.

Speaker B:

And, you know, I.

Speaker B:

You can't do it if you're divided.

Speaker B:

And so, you know, I think one thing that we try to focus on and especially on our side is it's.

Speaker B:

Is that our website is our most powerful thing that we have, right?

Speaker B:

And it's powerful because we don't only just sell Palmetto State army products, we sell everybody's products, right?

Speaker B:

And we're adding brands every single day.

Speaker B:

And we want to make our website welcoming to every brand out there, right?

Speaker B:

If you're in the firearms industry or, you know, you're in the outdoor industry and you got a really cool product and people want it, like, let us know, like, hit us up, like, let's get it on our website.

Speaker B:

Let's move some stuff, right?

Speaker B:

And so, you know, we used to be known as, like, kind of like a clearinghouse for some of our, you know, friends in the industry.

Speaker B:

Like, you know, hey, like, I need to move some inventory, you know, and that's how we got the daily deals and all that stuff.

Speaker B:

Now I think it's more so, like, we're starting to, like, more people are coming to our website and buying, like, non PSA products because we just have that big of a variety, right?

Speaker B:

And so it kind of just goes back to that mindset, though, of, like, we want to be welcoming, we want people to bring together.

Speaker B:

We, we want people to focus on buying firearms and training with them.

Speaker B:

Like, I don't want people to buy a firearm and put it in their safe.

Speaker B:

I want people to buy a firearm and I want them to train with it.

Speaker B:

I want them to know how to use it.

Speaker B:

I want them to feel comfortable using it, right?

Speaker B:

And I, I, you know, having the mindset of, like, if somebody doesn't know something, we shouldn't make fun of them, we should help them, we should educate them, right?

Speaker B:

Armory, especially going into:

Speaker B:

We want you to be welcome into the firearms industry and we want to help you get better and feel comfortable using a firearm because we believe that it's one of the best rights that we have in this country.

Speaker B:

And so I think, you know, you know, not to be on a soapbox this whole time, but I think kind of the point that I'm trying to make is, is, you know, we want people to be able to own firearms.

Speaker B:

We want people to use the firearms.

Speaker B:

We want people to train with the firearms and feel comfortable around using the firearms and not have this divisive, you know, elitist mentality out there.

Speaker A:

Well, I couldn't agree more.

Speaker A:

First off, and we're like I said before the show and we were talking, I've said it live, I've said it again.

Speaker A:

I'm going to say we have one year.

Speaker A:

Yep, one year.

Speaker A:

And everyone's like, well, the Senate's for two years.

Speaker A:

No, we have one year because that second year is all reelection.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

We have one year to get together to put pressure.

Speaker A:

We as a society and as a, as a culture have had the mentality for the last and we're seeing it shift.

Speaker A:

But before the this election we had the mentality of all right, we won, we're good.

Speaker A:

Why, why is nothing changing?

Speaker A:

Why didn't they not change anything?

Speaker A:

Hold up, what's going on?

Speaker A:

No, now is the time to put pressure on those elected officials.

Speaker A:

They made large promises.

Speaker A:

Go in, make sure you're putting pressure.

Speaker A:

Go to Goa's website.

Speaker A:

It takes 30 seconds to write your senator, Congressman.

Speaker A:

You can put it in by your zip code.

Speaker A:

There's a pre form letter.

Speaker A:

Just go in and do it.

Speaker A:

Now it's the time that also and you brought up and I'm bounce off of you is as an industry we need to come together and not push.

Speaker A:

I mean we're going to, we're going to see it.

Speaker A:

We already know.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

We historically we've, we talked about it the last during this election and in inner circles.

Speaker A:

The Trump song.

Speaker D:

Yep, yep.

Speaker B:

No, I was just going to touch base on.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And now's the time to work together, come up with co branded marketing material, come up with stuff and push and drive because that's the only way we're.

Speaker B:

Going to thrive 100%.

Speaker B:

No, I mean I agree.

Speaker B:

I think you know, obviously we saw it last time Trump was elected.

Speaker B:

The Trump slump.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

No one was prepared for that.

Speaker B:

And I think this, you know, going forward, I think if you're not innovating or doing something unique, you're not going to survive.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And I think that's why, you know, Jam and every, you know, every day is constantly pushing like, innovate, innovate, innovate.

Speaker B:

Like, right, let's hire more engineers, let's hire more R and D, let's hire more stuff.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

We want to keep going.

Speaker B:

We want to keep, you know, pushing the needle forward because of that mentality.

Speaker B:

And so.

Speaker B:

But to your point, like you, there has to be like a cohesiveness out there in the firearms industry again to make some real change.

Speaker B:

You know, I mean, you know, now I think is the best opportunity for us to go after the Hughes amendment and the NFA and really make a change in those two.

Speaker B:

You know, I know Jamin is super passionate about the Hughes amendment and the NFA as well.

Speaker B:

You know, and so, you know, I think there's some things that we can do to make a difference there.

Speaker B:

And you know, obviously along with GOA and some of our other friends like Frack and other, and other of our sister friends that are on this together, I think we're going to try and make some change this year.

Speaker B:

I really believe that.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I think if more people got involved and were passionate about it, like we can make even better change.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And we've got bills sitting in the House, in the Senate right now, the Shush act in the Hearing Suppression or Hearing Safe Act.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

They'Re there.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Now is the time to go.

Speaker A:

We want, let's get suppressors.

Speaker A:

And from once we get suppressors it's just a waterfall of let's go after this.

Speaker A:

And personally I think, I think with the number of pistol based firearms that out there and the proof that SBR laws are dumber than dumb.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Because 15.9 inch barrel makes it worse than a 16 inch.

Speaker A:

Oh yeah, it's more, it's more hit a hideable.

Speaker B:

What are you talking about?

Speaker A:

I'm hoping we get, oh, I'm hoping we get suppressors off the books.

Speaker A:

SBRs, SBS just keep pushing.

Speaker A:

I mean listen, Canada has SBSs, why can't we.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no 100.

Speaker B:

I think, I think there's a real chance and I, I truly believe this.

Speaker B:

I, you know, obviously the, the Shush act and the, the Hearing Protection act, that's one thing.

Speaker B:

But I think there's a real chance that we can make a change where you can at least just get your suppressor over the counter.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And, and like you might still have to do your fingerprints and all that stuff.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But, like, I think that there's a way that we can get where you go in, you, you do your $200 tax stamp, you do your digital fingerprints, you submit everything, they run the background check immediately.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

They run it right then and there and you come back approved, everything gets submitted, and you walk out your suppressor.

Speaker B:

I think that there is a chance for that to happen.

Speaker B:

You know, I think that the, you know, I'd love for the Hearing Protection act or the shift.

Speaker B:

You know, I would love for that, but I think there's a better chance for people to get it over the counter that way.

Speaker B:

Just because there's not really like a, a, you know, a law or a legal sense a part of, of the timing wise.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

No, I, I agree.

Speaker A:

I want, I'm really hoping.

Speaker A:

I think we can get over the counter suppressors if it's, if it's off the NFA or through just a standard 44, 73 or whatever way.

Speaker A:

I really think that that is going to be a big push.

Speaker A:

We'll see if we get.

Speaker A:

And this is coming out and wherever I believe early February, right before shot, you know, I.

Speaker A:

Within the first inauguration.

Speaker A:

I believe within the first hundred days.

Speaker A:

I'm hoping we get national reciprocity.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's another big thing, you know, for somebody like myself and you, who travel a ton, that is a big thing.

Speaker A:

And I really want the, and that my, my little soapbox thing for a second.

Speaker A:

I really want the Trump administration to look at the TSA and go figure it out.

Speaker A:

Because as you know, no single airport has the same rules for firearms.

Speaker B:

No, it's, it's a.

Speaker B:

I'm leaving.

Speaker B:

I'm going to Ohio on Monday.

Speaker B:

And I was.

Speaker B:

L Literally on, when we're driving here, I was on the phone with one of my guys getting the stuff ready, and he's like, well, is this the right lock?

Speaker B:

Is that the right lock?

Speaker B:

Is this the right lock?

Speaker B:

Is that.

Speaker B:

Which one do I use?

Speaker B:

And I'm like, dude, I know it's a show, like, what are you gonna do?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I mean, it's just.

Speaker B:

But yeah, to your point, like, there's just, there's so much variety out there.

Speaker B:

And like, that's, I, like, I mean, just to be honest, like, that's why I hate, like, even taking a gun with me anywhere on an airplane.

Speaker B:

It's such a, it's just, it's this crapshoot of what's going to happen.

Speaker A:

And that's, that's my, my big point.

Speaker A:

We had a friend of Ours recently have an issue in Vegas with a firearm traveling.

Speaker A:

Got pulled off an airplane.

Speaker A:

And he's like, I'm mad.

Speaker A:

Like, what do we do about this csa?

Speaker A:

We can't.

Speaker A:

They can't touch him.

Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A:

There's nothing we can really do.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

And he's like, I don't understand.

Speaker A:

Like, their rules and regulations say one thing, but the website says another.

Speaker A:

And you can't.

Speaker A:

You go.

Speaker A:

Depending on where you go.

Speaker A:

It's always if sometimes they take it back and you're supposed to be present to the rules, but no, they make a secure location.

Speaker A:

We can't have you back there, sir.

Speaker A:

It's in my opinion they're discouraging people from exercising their Second amendment rights.

Speaker A:

And you, you just put it the same way, same way as me.

Speaker A:

Is it such a hassle 100% that you become so like, it's gonna be.

Speaker A:

It's easier just for me to go roll in and go.

Speaker B:

I mean, it's like what they're doing in California.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I mean, essentially, with all the laws and regulations, they're doing like, I mean, like, they, they're doing it so that way you don't want to even have the effort of having to get a gun or ammo.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Like, which is crazy to even think about.

Speaker A:

Well, they, we saw this right before the election, right after the election.

Speaker A:

Washington has stopped doing background checks and everything's being held.

Speaker A:

They're right there.

Speaker A:

They're not letting you exercise your constitutionally given rights.

Speaker A:

It's insane that these.

Speaker A:

I really hope that with everything we've got that this changes.

Speaker A:

But it's insane that somebody who's never gone through the process, who's protected every day by somebody with a firearm, can make the rules and changes and just go down.

Speaker B:

No rules for the little magic wand.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I know it's crazy, crazy to think about.

Speaker A:

Now we've got everything.

Speaker A:

I've talked about this.

Speaker A:

How is an industry.

Speaker A:

Do you think we overcome and come together and do this?

Speaker A:

Because we see a lot of.

Speaker A:

There's a lot of us are friends 100.

Speaker B:

And honestly, God, I think it's getting actually it's going in the right direction.

Speaker B:

I really do.

Speaker B:

You know, being in it for nine years now, like seeing where it is then to now, it's going in the right direction.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I think the biggest thing is, is, you know, the, the firearms industry is very ego based.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And so sometimes you got to massage somebody's ego a little bit to have that give and take.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And so.

Speaker B:

But you also have to be, you know, self conscious enough to be able to accept that and be able to have honest conversations.

Speaker B:

And I think, you know, part of that is like kind of what we're doing on a daily basis, being upfront honest.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

It's like, hey, like, you know, I like what you did there.

Speaker B:

Can we work together on something like that?

Speaker B:

Like instead of like hey, I like what you did there.

Speaker B:

I'm gonna go scan it, copy it and make it myself.

Speaker A:

Yeah, well, I mean that's the thing.

Speaker A:

I've been a big proponent of co branded co marketing for a very long time.

Speaker B:

If why I did the saber line.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's exactly why I did the saber line.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because I was like, we have the saber line.

Speaker B:

I like the radiant charging handle.

Speaker B:

I like the micro best BCGs.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I like all these pin and welds for muzzle brakes.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because I'm a big suppressor guy.

Speaker B:

Like I want to be able to suppress whatever fire, you know, suppressor I have.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

You know that was like the idea.

Speaker B:

It was a, is a collab gun.

Speaker B:

That's what it is.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But we wanted to give it at the value that the customer could get it and afford it, you know.

Speaker B:

But that's the idea is it's co branded.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Well and that's my thing with the, the if you look at other industry, you'll never see Nike and under armoured work together.

Speaker A:

Nope, not at all.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

But you can see the great fax and then Smith and Wesson work together on something.

Speaker A:

Or are you guys in radiant and things like that.

Speaker A:

And that's what I like to see because at the end of the day we are all fighting for a market share.

Speaker A:

The pie is big enough, we can all get a slice of it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

But if we work together we're better off at breaking what this, the Trump slump.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

If we get, you know, we saw again, we're never gonna see.

Speaker A:

I hate to break it to everybody.

Speaker A:

We're never gonna see Covid numbers ever again.

Speaker A:

No, that, the, that was insane.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:


Speaker B:

It was like right at:

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

We're never going to see that again.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Now's the time to work together.

Speaker A:

If we want to see those numbers go up, now's the time to work together to build that.

Speaker A:

And I really hope that everybody listening, especially if you're in the industry, take that to heart and go, yes, we need to go work with X brand or work with another brand, you know, because that is how we grow this industry.

Speaker A:

That's how we continue to grow.

Speaker A:

And yeah, we're hoping we see another 20, 30 million gun owners buy new guns and we're hoping we see another increase.

Speaker A:

But those numbers are not always going to be sustainable.

Speaker A:

So now is the time to just work together.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no, I, I agree.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I think like going back to what I was saying earlier, I think it's, it's the egotistical mindset and I think also it's some of the, like the, the, I don't, I don't want to say old guard, but like protecting the, you know, the realm type mindset where it's like, no, you're not good enough.

Speaker B:

You're not good enough.

Speaker B:

Like you can't do this, you can't do that.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And I, and I feel like, you know, us as a company, Palmetto State Armory, at our core, I feel like we broke that barrier, you know, because people always thought of us as a budget gun company.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Well, well okay, we have your budget minded people, but we also have our saber line, which is your higher end line.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

We're coming out with shotguns, we're working on bolt guns.

Speaker B:

We're doing some really cool, innovative stuff coming out at shot show this year that's going to blow people away.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Like we're trying to tap into every market and you know, we're not trying to say we're taking market share, but we want to provide, you know, the best quality product at that price point in that market that they can afford.

Speaker B:

And I think that will never go away.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You know, and I think, you know, sometimes we, we deal with some stuff, you know, where like local gun shops are like, well, PSA selling it cheaper than I can buy it for.

Speaker B:

You know, they're putting me out of business.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And like, we don't want that mentality.

Speaker B:

The mentality that we want is, is we're trying to help you, right?

Speaker B:

Like if you can do 20 transfers a week on a, on a dagger, right.

Speaker B:

That's cheaper for you to do that than it is for you to buy inventory and hold inventory on your shelf, right?

Speaker B:

Charging the transfer fee.

Speaker B:

Sell them some ammo, sell them some accessories, holsters, gear, whatever, right?

Speaker B:

And you know, you're making more money on that and you don't have to pay for any of the inventory, right?

Speaker B:

And so, you know, we're trying to break that stigma where we're like monopolizing that side of things or whatever.

Speaker B:

We're, you know, more foot traffic into your building is better.

Speaker A:

Can I take a Stab at what, what I want from you guys.

Speaker A:

Take a stab.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

So there's a few things I'm going to ask for.

Speaker A:

Okay, okay.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I know you guys had a line come out, but that was with Rock island, right?

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

You're a fud.

Speaker A:

I am slightly a fud.

Speaker B:

You're a FUD at heart.

Speaker B:

Go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker A:

Well, you said bull guns.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I mean a PSA lever gun would be cool.

Speaker A:

Something like.

Speaker A:

I'm trying to think of cool things, but you already have the jet, the Jackal, you have all this cool stuff.

Speaker A:

So those are the what I want.

Speaker A:

I want a 20.

Speaker B:

Well, you should come by our booth the first time at first be the first person or booth at shot show this year because.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Breaking the breaking news.

Speaker B:

There's, there is probably something that is going to be at shot show this year that is going to blow people away.

Speaker B:

I'm excited there's going to be that we have, I think this year.

Speaker B:

So last year we took 23 concept guns.

Speaker B:

This year we're bringing 16.

Speaker A:

Oh, you cut them.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, because, you know we're trying to get some of the guns out from last year that voted.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So we're bringing some of those back.

Speaker B:

Like the ones that were lower voted.

Speaker B:

We're bringing them back just to see, you know, like, hey, do you guys want this?

Speaker B:

You know I want this.

Speaker B:

But then we're bringing 16 new ones to shot show this year.

Speaker A:

I'm excited.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Every time I walk by the PSA booth, I get a little excited, a little happy.

Speaker A:

There's so many cool things that you guys are doing.

Speaker B:

Well, I'll leave you with this teaser.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I had to order a 6 foot long glass case for the booth this year that is gonna hold one gun.

Speaker B:

So I'll leave it at that if.

Speaker A:

It'S what Jamin told me in secret.

Speaker A:

Well, I'm not gonna break anything, but if it's, I'm.

Speaker A:

I'm super excited.

Speaker A:

Maybe it's that we'll have to talk off air.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

But cool.

Speaker A:

Cameron, go ahead and shout socials where people can find you all that.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So you know, Palmetto State Armory official on Instagram, Palmetto State Armory on Facebook, Palmetto Armory on Twitter.

Speaker B:

My handles, Cameron Tapler on all of them.

Speaker B:

So make sure you guys check out our YouTube also at Palmetto State Armor.

Speaker B:

YouTube, you know, make sure you like and subscribe.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

And again, pull this back up.

Speaker A:

Thank you again for doing this.

Speaker B:

Appreciate it.

Speaker A:

This is super exciting.

Speaker A:

A great partnership between our our two or our organization, your company.

Speaker A:

And if if you haven't noticed yet, but behind there's a dagger that's going to be a permanent staple of the the set from now on.

Speaker A:

I'm really excited to have some PSA stuff around and we're super excited to just be working with you guys.

Speaker A:

I can't say enough about what you guys have done.

Speaker A:

I know I said earlier in the show, I'm going to say it again, guys, PSA does a lot for your rights.

Speaker A:

You may not know it, they don't really announce or talk about it, but there's a lot going on in the background that PSA does.

Speaker A:

And Jamin is very strong on the second Amendment.

Speaker A:

Got gun in everybody's hands.

Speaker A:

So go support psa.

Speaker A:

Support companies who support goa.

Speaker A:

PSA is one of the largest.

Speaker A:

You guys are, bar none, one of the biggest supporters of the 2A.

Speaker A:

I can't say enough nice things about you guys.

Speaker B:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

On that note, make sure to like, share, subscribe Hit the little bell for notification.

Speaker A:

Leave a five star review on all podcasting hosts and we will catch you on next one.

Speaker A:

And welcome to season two of still the Second.

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About the Podcast

State of the Second
The State of The Second, an interview style podcast focusing on the impact that legislation and activism is having on the firearms industry, and the second amendment community.
The State of The Second, an interview-style podcast focusing on the impact that legislation and activism are having on the firearms industry, and the Second Amendment community.

Our Hosts, Kailey Nieman and John Fahrner, each bring years of experience and expertise in the firearms industry and Second Amendment advocacy.

Episodes will feature interviews with a wide variety of companies and individuals from across the firearms industry and community. The goal is to discuss the effects of policy from multiple industry perspectives and give insight into how the community can move forward in defending and restoring the Second Amendment.